Thursday 29 May 2014

Winners #5

It's time to announce the winner and honourable mentions of challenge 5 Inspired by Words "Time Flies, Love Lasts". We were so happy of all the beautiful, creative cards we got to see. Thank you all who took TIME OUT and entered!

Without further do 

TOP at taking TIME OUT:

 Congratulations, Macarena! Those colourful butterflies really pop from the background, what a stunning card! We'd love you to display our winner's badge (below) in your blog and would also like to invite you as a guest designer for a future challenge. Please contact Sandie at sandiesandie16 @ gmail. com (without the spaces) within one week if you'd like to join us!

Next the Honourable Mentions in no particular order:

Brilliant cards, ladies! :) Here's your badge:

Our current challenge is a photo inspiration and is still running for about one week. Below is the photo and some additional DT inspiration. Take some TIME OUT, click here for the challenge post and join us!


Thursday 22 May 2014

Challenge #6

Image Source: Home Trend Design

Welcome to TIME OUT #6, Home Sweet Home!

Thank you for the wonderful response to our previous challenge, we had great fun going through the entries. Remember to come back next Thursday to see if you got Honours or were Top at taking TIME OUT!

This fortnight we have a beautiful patio image for our Home Sweet Home photo inspiration. It has a lot to offer: rich colors, squares, stripes, outdoors, summer, Moroccan style... You name it! We are glad to welcome Christine from ATC (Artist Trading Cards) & Wenskaarten as our guest designer this time. I hope you'll visit Christine's blog to find out all about her artistic, unique creations! Christine and TIME OUT DT members have made great cards to boost your mojo. Let's have a look!

our Guest Designer




Now it's your turn! The challenge runs until 4th of June so you'll have nearly two weeks to link up your paper crafting projects. We are pretty relaxed here at TIME OUT but please check "How to Play" on the side bar. After that... Take some TIME OUT and craft!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Winners #4

It's time to announce the winners of challenge 4: CASE Virginia Lu! Thank you so much for the inspiration Virginia -we had super fun CASEing you and admiring all the wonderful entries! Thank you everyone who participated. 

We start with announcing the winner.

Top at taking TIME OUT 

Congratulations, Bobby! We'd like to invite you as a guest designer for a future challenge. Please contact Nonni at korttikarkuri @ gmail. com (without the spaces) within one week if you'd like to join us! Here's our winner's bagde for you:

Then the honourable mentions... There were so many beautiful entries that we had to choose several! Here they are, in no particular order:

Congratulations, ladies! Here's your badge:

I'm sure you all agree that was a wonderful selection of cards inspired by Virginia Lu. Our current challenge, inspired by words "Time Flies, Love Lasts" is still running for about one week. Here's some inspiration from the DT before we say bye for now. Remember to take TIME OUT and craft!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Time Out Challenge #5

Hello to all of you that love to take TIME OUT and play along with our challenges and anyone new to our challenges..welcome and we hope you like what you see.

We were so pleased that Virginia's card inspired you all to create for our last challenge. Check back next week to see if you are a winner.

Now it is time for our 'Inspired by Words' challenge and for this challenge we have this phrase for you:

'Time Flies, Love Lasts'

So what does this phrase inspire you to create? Remember for these challenges you can be inspired by the whole phrase or just one single word. For example you might want to use the word 'flies'. So you might want to use a butterfly, hot air balloon, a bird.....endless possibilities! Get the idea? I am sure you need no further explanation!!

This week we are very excited and honoured that Karen from Made by Meadie is joining us as our Guest Designer. Karen's cards are very inspiring and her creativity will be sure to inspire you. Here is Karen and the wonderful card she has made for us inspired by 'Time Flies, Love lasts'. Please do pop over to her blog and leave her some love!

My Photo

And now for more inspiration from our DT:


Now it is your turn to take TIME OUT and join in the fun.You have until May 21st 5pm GMT to link up.
We are pretty chilled at TIME OUT but please do check out our 'how to play' on the side bar.

Each day is a little bit brighter if you get time to craft, so please kick back and take TIME OUT for yourself and craft!

Thursday 1 May 2014

Winners #3

It's prizes time at TIME OUT!
 We had so many fabulous entries it was so hard for us to choose our top picks! Thank you so much for supporting our challenge.
As it was a Theme challenge we have a special prize for one lucky winner who opted to twist along with us. This winner was selected using and will win this fab prize from Uniko Studios

And the winner is 

Congrats Rebecca! Please contact Bev at within one week to claim your prize.

And now it is time to announce our winners and Honourable mentions.

We begin with announcing the winner!

Top at taking TIME OUT 

#2 Chrsitine

Click on the image to follow the link

Congratulations! You are the lucky winner of this stamp and dies from our super sponsor Uniko Studios

Please contact Bev at within one week to claim your prize.
 We are also inviting you to join us as our Guest Designer in a future challenge. Please contact Sandie at if you would like to join us! And we'd love you to display our winner's badge in your blog:

Then it's time to announce (in no particular order) who got

Honours at taking TIME OUT

#15 Elaine

#36 Karen M

Congratulations ladies, your cards are stunning! Here's our honourable mention badge for you:

You still have time to play along with our current 'CASE Virginia' challenge. Detail and links are here

Need some extra inspiration?? Here is some from our DT for you:

Now, kick back and take some TIME OUT and join in the fun x