Thursday, 29 February 2024
Challenge #258 - Photo Inspiration
Thursday, 22 February 2024
Winners - Time Out #256 - CASE The Designer
Hello, friends of Time Out!
Thursday, 15 February 2024
Challenge #257 - Time Out 10th Birthday!
Thursday, 8 February 2024
Winners #255 Inspired by Words of a Haiku
Thursday, 1 February 2024
Challenge 256 - CASE the Designer Sarah Gray
Hello Friends of Time Out. Welcome back!
We have a special challenge the next fortnight: Instead of our regular 'Inspired by a Photo' we have a 'CASE the Designer' challenge for you this time!
We are very very happy to have a card from Sarah Gray for us to CASE. Sarah is these days best known for her wonderful UK based company, Funky Fossil Designs. Several years ago Sarah was also one of Time Out's DT members too so it's especially wonderful to have her back with an inspiring card for us.
If the word "CASE" is nor familiar to you, it means "copy and share everything". When you CASE someone's card, you have the designer's permission to be heavily inspired and influenced by her card... However the idea is not to completely recreate the card but to be inspired by it.
Here's a closer look of the card Sarah has made for us to CASE. You could for example CASE the layout of the card, be inspired by of the theme of Sarah's card, use her colors or similar style or images... Many possibilities!