Thursday, 6 May 2021

Challenge #187 and a Goodbye!

 Hello our crafty Friends,

Time for our new challenge but before we tell you all about that we have some news for you:

Sandie our team leader is having to step down-she explains in her own words why:

Hello to you all.

I have been running Time Out for over 7 years now but as most of you know I struggle with my health. Over the last year my health has deteriorated and I can no longer run Time Out to standard I would like and although I have been trying to, it is my health that has suffered.

So now it is time to take Time Out and step down completely.

I will no longer be running Time Out or be on the DT.

BUT Time Out will continue with a group of the DT taking on various roles, of which they will share with you over the next few weeks.

Before I go I wanted to thank you all for playing with us with so much enthusiasm and I have loved visiting your blogs which have always inspired me.

And a huge thank you to my wonderful DT, both past and present, who have not only made superb cards but also many have helped so much behind the scenes and supported me-thank you guys x

And finally a thank you to all our wonderful Sponsors, your generosity and support have been appreciated so much.

So with a heavy heart my friends, this is my last challenge. Time Out will continue on....I have planned the rest of this year so I want to see you all still taking Time Out and crafting with the new Time Out !! 

And now back to our challenge:


This challenge you are being inspired to MOVE, there are so many possiblities with this one! 
From moving a house to riding a bike!

Our fabulous sponsor it TopFlight Stamps - be sure to check out their site for lots and lots of fabulous stamps!

They are offering a 25 gift voucher to the winner of this challenge!

We have Milla from Mustesormi as our talented guest designer this challange

now on to our Time Out design team....

using sponsors - Tomorrow Doesn't Exist



Rahmat said...

Aww Sandie, you will be sorely missed at Timeout. I remember you starting this challenge back in 2014.
Take care of your health, and a big thank you for running the challenge for all these years.
I will miss seeing you on Timeout.
Best wishes to you....hugs - Rahmat

Kathyk said...

So sorry to see you go but totally understand the rationale behind your decision and wish you well for the future. Thank you so much for the seven years at Time out and good luck to the team for the future too


Claire said...

Oh Sandie, hope you are ok - have always loved taking part in TO and being GD on the odd occasion! Hope your health has a much needed boost this year and that we get to still see your wonderful cards. Have always appreciated how much effort must go on behind the scenes with these challenges...thank you for all your inspiration over the last 7 years! x

kaartenepidemie said...

Hi Sandie , take good care of your health thanks for the
nice challenges I enjoy this very much
Big hugs Epie

Catnip and Kitty Whiskers said...

Hello Sandie, Wishing you all the best! Having health issues also, my heart really goes out to you! Thank you for the fun challenges and for all the work you have put into this site! Although, I only occasionally got to visit here, I have enjoyed it. Love and Blessings to you!

New Creations said...

Hey Sandie! Feeling so sad to hear about your health! I always love your awesome CAS style cards and all inspirations!
Good luck for your future and Take care of your health! Will really miss your work.
Sending Love!

Julie B said...

Sorry to hear you are having to give up Time Out, but your health must come first. Look after yourself, I'm sure you've left the challenge in capable hands. x

Esther Asbury said...

So sorry to hear your health problems have increased and that you'll be leaving Time Out, Sandie. Hugs and blessings to you!

Ashwini Rao said...

Sorry to see Sandie go - but I hope this gives her a break to care of her health. Thanks to the DT to stepping into her shoes and keeping this challenge going! Looking forward to playing more! :)

ElizStewart said...

Sandie... thoughts and prayers are with you! Thank you for all you have done to keep cardmakers so engaged! Take care of yourself.

Anila Dikay said...

Hello Sandie,
I am so sorry to hear this. I know TO because of you and cannot think of it without you ☹️☹️... But your health is most important. Take care and we will keep catching up once a while. Sending hugs to you...

Karen said...

Sandie, this has been a wonderful challenge. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, and hope moving away from the challenge gives you some relief! Thanks for all you've done!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Oh Sandie, I am so sorry to read this. This is so sad. Hopefully you get some strength back, not having so much to deal with. I hope I will see you this year. Mwah!

Janis said...

Sandie, you have done so much to bring joy to our papercrafting community through this challenge and your encouraging words. I pray this time of transition will be an opportunity for you to remove some stress....and that this will also help your health issues. Blessings to you and many thanks for everything. Thank you for the added work you did to make the transition easy for your DT. Sending hugs.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Kate said...

Sandie, you have inspired so many of us over the years. Take care of yourself, we will miss you greatly!

maria f. said...

Sandie, you have been a driving force in the challenge world. Thank you for all you've done. But you are right that your health should take top priority. Take good care of yourself.

Vicky Hayes said...

Thank you so much for everything you have put into this challenge Sandie. I know that it must be so hard to let it go. You leave an amazing team who I know will carry on the spirit of this challenge. We will continue to support them and will hope to play alongside you sometimes if you feel like it. Hugs to you all xx

Grenouille Greetings said...

I have so enjoyed playing along with Time Out and I'll be sorry to see it go. I wish all the very best for you, Sandie. Your health must come first. Take care and stay safe. Hugs, Lesley

ionabunny said...

Thanks for all the amazing challenges and comments over the years Sandy. Take care. HUGZ

TK said...

With a ton of sadness, it is unfortunate that we will not have your constant companionship. HOWEVER our hearts and prayers are with you, Sandie, as you take time to heal and strengthen your health -- we certainly support and love you and your efforts!

Sadia Ashraf said...

Having Sandie leaving comment on my projects was a happy heart moment for me. Obviously you are irreplaceable... But I wish you more than this.. I pray and you will be healthy and will live a happy life. Thank you Sandie for being the amazing person you are.. Best wishes and Hugs 💗

Darnell said...

Sandie, I am moved by the comments above and feel the same way. Plus, you know outside of the blog how much I adore you and wish you better days ahead. You will be greatly missed here at TO ... until you are back again. Much love, Darnell

Karen P said...

So sorry to hear of your health issues & hope they are under control soon. Thank you for the fun challenge & gorgeous inspirations from the DT x

Bobby said...

I was so sorry to read this, Sandie. You'd never know by the wonderful comments that you faithfully leave on everyone's blog that you had such drastic health issues. I pray that the situation will get under control and you can continue to do things you love. I'll miss you and wish you only the best. Love and Hugs, Bobby

Tina Z. said...

oh, I will miss you, Sandie ...
I wish you all the best and that your health improves.
sending crafty love

KathyA. said...

Sandie, I am sorry to hear of your failing health, but I do commend you for taking care of yourself. Thanks for all you've done at starting this challenge and being a presence for so many years. Hope you are able to get lots of rest. Take care! Kathy A from myasperations

Wendy said...

Sandie, wishing you good health. I am happy the Challenge will continue. You have a very talented artistic team and I enjoy your challenge themes. Good luck to everyone!