Thursday 27 November 2014

Winners Challenge #18

Hi friends of TIME OUT!

I'm here to announce the winner and honourable mentions of challenge 18 which was our Home Sweet Home Challenge. Ready? 

Top at taking TIME OUT is

Congratulations Shirley, your card is stunning! We'd like to invite you to guest design in a future challenge: please contact Sandie at within one week if you are interested! Here's your winners badge:

Then the honourable mentions!

Well done ladies! Here's your badge:

Our Challenge #19, Embossing with the optional twist of Sparkle is still running for about a week here. In need of ideas? Here's some DT cards for your inspiration!

Time Out 19 DT, LIM 199, SCT 75, Uniko 16

I hope you enjoy our second round of DT inspiration and congratulations again to Shirley, Jill and Bine! Have a fun rest of the week and remember to take TIME OUT and craft! 


Sazzle Dazzle said...

Congrats to the winners - those are all AMAZING cards.
Sarah xx

Lyndal said...

FABULOUS winners and amazing DT inspiration!! CONGRATS ladies :)

shirley-bee said...

Thanks for choosing my card! Congrats to Jill V and Bine :)