Thursday, 26 September 2019

Challenge #145 Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello....and welcome back for another challenge!

Our theme is Breast Cancer Awareness with a twist, One Layer with Pink! You may also do cards with sending you hugs or thinking of you.

Time for our yearly special challenge at Time Out where we are helping raise awareness of Breast Cancer. October is "Brest Cancer Awareness" month so it is the perfect time for this challenge!

Breast Cancer has touched most of in some way, either ourselves or Family/Friends, we all have our own stories. Early detection is the key and we should all know how and should be doing self breast cancer exams monthly - check here for how to do this and share with your friends too!

We are using pink for our cards/project because it stands for breast Cancer.

This challenge is sponsored  by CAS-ual Fridays Stamps!  Be sure to check out their online store!

If you use the 'one layer with pink' twist then you could win a $25 credit to this amazing store!! We will do a random draw from all those who twist with us for this prize-so get making those one layer with pink cards!!

The Design Team will also vote for their favorites and the winner of this will be offered to be the Guest Designer for a future challenge!

We are delighted to have Sidan as our guest designer for this very special challenge, please check out all her amazing creations, you will be so inspired

Now lets see what Sigrun and the Design Team have made for this challenge:

Using sponsor products  - Modern Petals StencilBubble Box Fri-DieBe stamp set, Truth Is stamp set (retired).

Using Sponsor Prodcut Big Hope Fri-Die, and Garden Fri-Dies

Using One layer optional twist

using sponsor Peaceful Garden

 Using sponsor stamps Mon Amie.
Using One layer optional twist

Using sponsor stamps Be (retired)
Using One layer optional twist


A.Rose said...

I may have to put my sewing away to make a card for this!!! Great challenge idea!!!

sidan said...

I be stunned from all Your kind words, ladys! Thanks to be a guest designer and comment my card on my blog.
Bin überwältigt über all Eure liebevollen Worte, ladys. Danke, dass ich Gastdesignerin sein durft und Danke, für Eure Kommentare zu meiner Karte auf meinem Blog.

ionabunny said...

Pretty inspiration from the team. Fab theme. Hugz

Instafeed Social Networking said...

Great Work, Thanks for the information.
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salman said...

You should mainly superior together with well-performing material, which means that see it: Cancer